Last marathon cycle something new that I added to our program was pool walking after mid-week and long run workouts. When thinking about training, I always hesitate to add anything to a program unless it has proven value. Making pool walking a part of the schedule was well worth the investment and made a noticeable difference in recovery.
According to Dr. Richard Hansen, pool walking is one of the "easiest and most efficient recovery tools available." From a scientific perspective, essentially the deeper your tissues are under the water, the higher the pressure gradient created. The benefits of pool walking are essentially the same as compression socks, but to a much larger degree. You can read more about Dr. Hansen's explanation here.
Last marathon segment, after a mid-week workout we would typically get in a strength session and then hit the pool for 15-20 minutes of walking. That made for some very long Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, but in my opinion it all was time well spent that made a big difference on race day. Throughout the cycle, I recovered faster from big sessions than previous segments and I think pool walking had a lot to do with it.
If one was to rank order the importance of a workout day, pool walking would be third on the list after the running workout itself and a strength session, but if you have the time to get it done it makes a big difference. Coach Tom Schwartz is also a big advocate of ending any strength session with 10-15 minutes of light aerobic activity, and pool walking also does an excellent job of checking that box.
Get in the pool, walk around, go through some of the same motions you would if doing running drills before a workout, and chances are you will probably feel more recovered the next day.